Self-Leadership Journeys, LLC
Beth Mullen-Houser, PhD
IFS Therapist, Researcher, Speaker, Consultant
Internal Family Systems clinical consultation for providers at any stage of their IFS journey

IFS Clinical Consultation
Bringing providers at any stage of their IFS journey compassion and clarity to the needs in both themselves and clients
Compassionate Center Counseling
IFS therapy for providers in 42 US states through PsyPact
IFS Research Consultation
Public Speaking
Speaking about IFS Basics and IFS contributions to clinician-researcher collaborations, peaceful parenting, Self-led research and ethical clinical practice
IFS Clinical Consultation
Providing clinical consultation to mental health providers seeking to increase skill and fluency with IFS clinical practice. Empowering providers to bring compassion and clarity to the needs in both themselves and clients / patients.I am grateful for the words shared by one of my consultees: "I am very grateful for the opportunity to consult about IFS therapy with Dr. Beth Mullen-Houser. She was able to provide guidance specific to my scope of practice and share resources that would help me responsibly expand my current knowledge. Beth's communication with me embodied the compassion and consideration that the IFS model advocates for clients and therapists. I felt welcome to reach out to her for any future support." -Alicia Skiles, LPC.In my 3 years of waiting for an IFS Level 1 training, I craved being part of an IFS community, learning about my own internal system and getting support starting the use of IFS with my clients.I am now a Level 1 trained clinical psychologist with 20 years of psychotherapy group facilitation experience, including 3 years of facilitating IFS basics groups for new-to-IFS providers. I am excited to bring IFS consultation to mental health providers.I have accompanied providers in their IFS journey as an IFS Institute Level 1 training program assistant and have obtained advanced IFS training in IFS consultation and supervision, processes of IFS group therapy, direct access, grief, guides/legacy burdens/unattached burdens, consultation/supervision and more. I have been a member of the IFS Foundation Research Development Team for over 2 years and am presenting a workshop at the 2024 IFS Annual Conference.I am passionate about bringing these qualities to others who are either waiting for Level 1 training or would like to continue your learning about providing IFS post-Level 1.My IFS toolkit of experience includes:
* IFS Supervision & Consultation IFS with Liz Martins
*IFS therapy groups with Sue Richmond
* The Self-Led Helper live online workshop Dr. Dick Schwartz
* Self-led Grief - Navigating the Inevitable Advanced Weekend with Derek Scott
* Direct Access with Fran Booth
*Shamanism IFS with Bob Falconer & Ann Sinko
*Legacy and Unattached Burdens and Guides with Derek Scot
*Stepping StonesIFS training with Derek Scott
*IFS for Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, AddictionFees for clinical consultation: $50/person for group consultation (3-6 members) or $80 for individual consultation.
Compassionate Center IFS counseling
Bringing compassionate IFS therapy to mental health providers in 42 states through PsyPact, see here for a map of available states.Everyone has uncomfortable feelings at times. Using the Internal Family Systems model I work with clients to foster relationship between their compassionate center and parts of themselves that are stuck in distress and harmful ways of coping. These internal changes allow clients to be more fully themselves, living a rich, full and meaningful life.I strive to be respectful, humble, curious, compassionate and flexible. I believe in the dignity, unique strengths, and worth of every individual. I have been practicing psychotherapy for over 20 years and I love my work. I have also studied and published on the relationship between our thoughts and feelings and our physical and mental health.I am a Level 1 trained clinical psychologist with 20 years of psychotherapy group facilitation experience, including 3 years of facilitating IFS basics groups for new-to-IFS providers. I am excited to bring IFS consultation to mental health providers.I have accompanied providers in their IFS journey as an IFS Institute Level 1 training program assistant and have obtained advanced IFS training in IFS consultation and supervision, processes of IFS group therapy, direct access, grief, guides/legacy burdens/unattached burdens, consultation/supervision and more. I have been a member of the IFS Foundation Research Development Team for over 2 years and am presenting a workshop at the 2023 IFS Annual Conference.In my 3 years of waiting for an IFS Level 1 training, I craved being part of an IFS community, learning about my own internal system and getting support starting the use of IFS with my clients.I am now a Level 1 trained clinical psychologist with 20 years of psychotherapy experience. I am excited to bring IFS groups to medical and mental health providers interested in learning more about their own internal systems in community.I staff IFS Institute Level 1 trainings as a program assistant and have obtained advanced IFS training in the processes of IFS group therapy, direct access, grief, guides/legacy burdens/unattached burdens, consultation/supervision and more. I have been a member of the IFS Foundation Research Development Team for over 2 years and am presenting a workshop at the 2023 IFS Annual Conference.I am passionate about bringing these qualities to others who are either waiting for Level 1 training or would like to continue your learning about your own system after Level 1.My IFS toolkit of experience includes:
*IFS therapy groups with Sue Richmond
* The Self-Led Helper live online workshop Dr. Dick Schwartz
* Self-led Grief - Navigating the Inevitable Advanced Weekend with Derek Scott
* Direct Access with Fran Booth
*Shamanism IFS with Bob Falconer & Ann Sinko
* IFS Supervision & Consultation IFS with Liz Martins
*Legacy and Unattached Burdens and Guides with Derek Scot
*Stepping StonesIFS training with Derek Scott
*IFS for Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, Addiction
IFS Research Consultation
With my experience in psychotherapy / psychoneuroimmunology research, two years of IFS Foundation Research Development Tearm experience and IFS Level 1 clinical training, I have a passion for increasing the Internal Family Systems empirical base. I am available for IFS research consultation at all stages of the research process, from research question generation and refinement, research design and study facilitation to manuscript preparation and publication.PUBLICATIONSFitzgerald, M., Mullen-Houser, B., & Tal, I. (submitted 2023). Internal Family Systems and Substance Use: A Preliminary Investigation into the Associations Between Self-Leadership and Alcohol Use In Women.Lutgendorf, S. K., & Mullen-Houser, E. & Deumic, E. (2014). Energy medicine and cancer. In A. Weil (Series Ed.) & D. Abrams & A. Weil ( Vol. Eds.) Weil Integrative Medicine Library: Vol. 2. Integrative Oncology (pp. 434-486). New York: Oxford University Press.Mullen-Houser, E. (2013 dissertation, University of Iowa) Immune-spectrum disease among female veterans: Relations with posttraumatic stress disorder and maladaptive repetitive thought. FULL TEXTLutgendorf, S. K., Mullen-Houser, E., Russell, D., DeGeest, K., Jacobson, G. M., Hart, L., Bender, D., Buekers, T., Goodheart, M., Antoni, M. H., Sood, A. K., & Lubaroff, D. M. (2010).
Preservation of immune function in cervical cancer patients during chemoradiation
using a novel integrative approach. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 24, 1231-1240.Lutgendorf, S. K., & Mullen, E.(2009). Energy medicine and cancer. In A. Weil (Series Ed.) & D. Abrams & A. Weil ( Vol. Eds.) Weil Integrative Medicine Library: Vol. 1. Integrative Oncology (pp. 341-376). New York: Oxford University Press.Kolden, G.G, Chisholm-Stockard, S.M., Strauman, T.J. Tierney, S.C., Mullen, E.A; Schneider, K.L (2006). Universal session-level change processes in an early session of psychotherapy: Path models. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(2), 327-336.Kolden, G.G., Strauman, T.J., Ward, A., Kuta, J., Woods, T.E., Schneider, K.L., Heerey, E., Sanborn, L., Burt, C., Millbrandt, L., Kalin, N.H., Stewart, J.A. & Mullen, B. (2002). A pilot study of Group Exercise Training (GET) for women with primary breast cancer: Feasibility and health benefits. Psycho-Oncology, 11, 447-456.CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONSMullen-Houser, E., Lutgendorf, S., Mengeling, M., Torner, J.C., Cook, B.L., Booth, B.M., Sadler, A.S. (2014, November). Immune-Spectrum Disease and Repetitive Thought in Female Veterans. Poster presentation at International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 2014 Annual Meeting.Mullen-Houser, E., Lutgendorf, S., Mengeling, M., Torner, J.C., Cook, B.L., Booth, B.M., Sadler, A.S. (2014, June). Immune-Spectrum Disease and Repetitive Thought in Female Veterans. Association for Contextual and Behavioral Science 2014 Annual Meeting.Mullen-Houser, E., Anderson, B., & Lutgendorf, S. (2009). Coping style and disease stage as predictors of anxiety within gynecologic cancer. Paper presentation given at American Psychosomatic Society 2009 Annual Meeting.Mullen, E., Denburg, N., Probherbs, K., Henderson, P., Jacobson, G., Karwal, M., De Geest, K., Lubaroff, D., & Lutgendorf, S. (2008). Pro-inflammatory cytokines and neurocognitive function in breast and cervical cancer survivors. Psychosomatic Medicine, 70(3), A43.Mullen, E, Weinrib, A., Anderson, B., & Lutgendorf, S. (2006, March). Coping styles predict long term distress in gynecological cancer survivors. Psychosomatic Medicine, 68(1), A31.Mullen, E., Kolden, G. G., & Woods, T. (2005). Acute exercise in a metastatic sample. Psycho-Oncology, 14(Suppl. 1), S2.Mullen, E., Kolden, G. G., & Woods, T. (2004). Effects of acute physical exercise on fatigue and pain in a metastatic breast cancer population. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36(Suppl. 5), S98.Mullen, E. A., Kolden, G. G., & Tierney, S. C. (2004, June). Sequential observations of session-level outcome indices. Presented at the Society for Psychotherapy Research International Meeting, Rome, Italy.HONORS AND AWARDS2008 Summer Dissertation Fellowship, University of Iowa Graduate College
2008 Training Grant, University of Iowa Executive Council of Graduate Students
2008 Training Grant, University of Iowa Graduate Student Senate
2008 Symposium Fellow, HealthEmotions Research Institute
2007 Symposium Fellow, HealthEmotions Research Institute
2003 Continuing Education Grant, University of Wisconsin
2000 Continuing Education Grant, University of WisconsinIFS RESEARCH GOALS* Foster an IFS think tank by broadening connections within the existing IFS research
*Facilitate collaborations between IFS researchers and the larger psychotherapy research
community, especially my colleagues within the mindfulness-based interventions
adjacent to IFS such as Third-Wave Behavioral (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,
Compassion-focused therapies)
* Expand IFS exposure to a larger academic audience by assisting IFS researchers in:
o Exploring the active ingredients in IFS by determining overlap with existing
constructs in the psychotherapy research field, such as decentering, observer
perspective, intrapersonal emotional knowledge and validation
o Publishing and presenting at psychotherapy research conferencesPREVIOUS RESEARCH POSITIONSUniversity of Iowa Department of Neurology Research Assistant 2007
• Administration of decision making tasks, psychological assessment and statistical collaboration
University of Iowa Lutgendorf Psychoneuroimmunology Research Assistant 2007
• Dr. Susan Lutgendorf laboratory examining the psychoneuroimmunology of cancer including stress reactions, coping skills and quality of life assessment
University of Wisconsin Department of Psychiatry 2000-2005
• Breast Cancer and Exercise Study – recruit and screen participants, administer Life Functioning Scales and Global Assessment Scale, research management including cortisol collection and data analysis and presentation
• Assessments Administered: SCID I and II, Hamilton Depression Screen, Eating Disorders Examination, Adult Attachment Interview, Linehan’s Treatment History Interview, cardiac and cortisol measures of stress and Life Functioning Scales
Neuropsychological Testing – for UW Hospital transplant evaluations
Postpartum Depression Treatment Study– Conduct Structured Clinical Interviews for the DSM (SCID)s for both Axis I and II disorders, Hamilton Depression interviews, the Adult Attachment Interview and coordinate the study therapy adherence ratings.
• Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder– Participant recruitment and screening interviews, management of validation research study, administration of Treatment History Interview, attendance at bi-weekly therapist training and supervision meetings, observation of DBT skills training groups
Wisconsin Study of Families and Work - investigated the biological, psychological and social bases of individual differences in reactivity to stress. Interviewed parents, teachers and children, both by phone and in person. Administered a psychobiology sequence utilizing a respirometer and heart monitor and collection of saliva samples.
Depression Treatment Program – Administration of Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, analysis of therapy change process data
Eating Disorders Study-SCID eating disorders administration, research management including buccal smear and self-report data collection.
Grant Administration - Coordinated grant submission efforts on five NIH grants (RO1 and RO3s) ranging in size from $150,000 to $1,700,000.
Public Speaking